When I text a goal, I get a text back (I.e. a notification and or reminder to do my goal somewhat). When I enter my goal in the app, if I close the app, I may never go back and look at it again because there’s no notification of the AI reply or no text. There’s nothing to hold me to my goal. Can I have the same text experience no matter how I enter the goal?
💡 Feature Request
9 months ago
When I text a goal, I get a text back (I.e. a notification and or reminder to do my goal somewhat). When I enter my goal in the app, if I close the app, I may never go back and look at it again because there’s no notification of the AI reply or no text. There’s nothing to hold me to my goal. Can I have the same text experience no matter how I enter the goal?
💡 Feature Request
9 months ago
Filter or hide completed goals
I feel overwhelmed when I log in and see a large amount of goals. It makes it seem like there’s more to do than I can get done. But when I look through the list, it includes completed goals. Short of deleting them (since they’re my partners goals I don’t want to just get rid of them), I’d like a way to hide or filter through completed goals so when I log in I see the 5 goals that need attn instead of the 17 goals, 12 of which are completed.
💡 Feature Request
9 months ago
Filter or hide completed goals
I feel overwhelmed when I log in and see a large amount of goals. It makes it seem like there’s more to do than I can get done. But when I look through the list, it includes completed goals. Short of deleting them (since they’re my partners goals I don’t want to just get rid of them), I’d like a way to hide or filter through completed goals so when I log in I see the 5 goals that need attn instead of the 17 goals, 12 of which are completed.
💡 Feature Request
9 months ago